Tuesday, February 24, 2015


We really saw quite a lot of Tasmania. We spent some time at Port Arthur where one of the penal colonies had been.  Fascinating to learn of the convicts that were sent out to Australia.  It used to be that people hid if they were descended from convicts, but now it considered a badge of honour.

Lots of lovely views along the way

We had plenty of stops to refuel. A selection of Lamingtons, Caramel Slice and, Melting Moments

We stopped for a picnic lunch at Friendly Beach.  We had the entire, beautiful beach to ourselves.  It was amazing.  Luckily there were two strategically placed rocks for the kids and grandpa's entertainment.

We hiked up to the look out over Wine Glass Bay.  I really liked this strategically placed bench

One of many interesting seed pods we saw

Another interesting kids playground.  We saw a couple like this - they were like gym equipment but they were all made in such a way that you had to propel them yourself, even the treadmill was made of rollers

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