Tuesday, February 24, 2015


On to our next adventure, the Great Ocean Road. There are no words to describe how stunning it was.  The road was very twisty and turney but each turn bought another breath taking view.  We stopped briefly in Torquay to see all the surfing clothing shops.  We walked on Bell's beach where surfing began. On to Appollo beach where again, we had a lovely big appartment overlooking the beach.

Our first trip was to Mait's rest to see the ferns

We walked through the rain forest with lovely fern trees and huge gum trees

Then we drove to Cape Otway where there were a certain type of Gum tree that the wild Koala's like to eat.  We saw lots of wild Koalas. Really neat.

We stopped at Gibson's Steps where we walked down a lot of steps cut into the side of the rocks to get down to the beach. We went to see the 12 Apostles with a million tourists and decided to go back at sunset.  We went to Loch Ard Gorge where the Pirate Movie had been filmed years ago.  Lots of neat geological formations.

What a stunning place, particularly at sunset

I took a ton of photos!

The next day we spent quite a bit of time on our beach - again right in front of the appartment.  At one side of the beach were these amazing rocks with very interesting formations.  We spent hours looking in the rock pools and collecting shells.  At the end of the rocks were some crazy guys surfing.  It looked really dangerous to us that they were so close to the rocks, but they had a great time, it was really lovely to see them carve their way through the waves.

Next day we went to the market in Appollo Bay to pick up some cider and fresh produce. More beach time before our trip back tomorrow.  The next day we packed up and raced along the road to catch the ferry.  Did  I mention how twisty and turny it was? One of the kids lost their breakfast all over me! then the next kid saw what was going on and sympathetically joined in.  Car stopped - clean up ensued - I stood in my underclothes searching my case for clean stuff to put on.  After purchasing some air spray in the next town, we were on our way again.  We still managed to catch the ferry!

On the other side of the ferry was the Mornington Peninsular, which was very rural with wineries and great food.  Outside one of the places we stopped was this beautiful yarn bombing going on.  Looks like spider webs.  We spent the night with my old room mate from 40 years or more ago from Montreal.  It was wonderful to see her and she treated us royally, taking the kids to feed the chickens and calves.  They had a great time playing on bikes with her niece.  We got a chance to catch up on all the intervening years while the kids went to the Penguin parade on Phillip Island nearby.  It was so nice to see her, just the same old Beth, a little older and greyer, but really, just the same.  It was sad to say goodbye, not knowing when we will see each other again.

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