Friday, March 27, 2015


The terrain is so interesting as it is based on volcanic material, and layers of ash, so the hills are basically made up of ridges.  We saw lots of cows on the hills and wondered how they managed to stay upright and not fall off!

Most of the drive was misty and rainy  We had planned to drive near the volcanic mountains but they were cloaked in mist and it seemed like a waste of a drive so we went on the main route instead.  Just as we came to this view, the rain stopped, the mist and cloud cleared and we got this fabulous view.  We were so lucky.

Almost as soon as we had taken the photograph, the clouds descended again.  Fortunately the rain had stopped though.

Lots of really interesting scenery and colours.  We continued our drive to Lake Taupo and spent the night at the Comfort Inn just on the edge of town.  We seemed to be the only people there and had a beautiful room overlooking the lake.  Bought more wine in the grocery store, quite reasonable and quaffable.

The next day we went to the Botanical gardens.  They were spectacular with all the azaleas in bloom.  We spent all morning there and were quite sad that we had to leave as it was such a beautiful day and the flowers were so spectacular.

Before leaving the gardens, I went to the outdoor wooden bathroom.  It was completely covered in spider webs!   I was so glad we were in New Zealand and not Australia and I did not have to worry about being bitten by a poisonous spider.!  We fortunately met some locals walking in the garden and they were very helpful pointing out different plants and helped us with the names.  We also met a woman visiting from Quebec City.  Small world.
The azalea bushes were huge and such a great collections of different flowers.

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